Intelligent Sensing

 Stickershock™ Sensor is a complete analysis solution in a wireless sticker the size of a credit card.

Superior Sensing

Go beyond traditional limitations. We embed dual piezo-crystalline sensors inside the flexible circuitry of Stickershock™ Sensor using our patent-pending process, producing a superior sensing solution.


Get insights into energetic and fast-moving impact and vibration events that you can’t see with traditional sensors. 

Completely Wireless

Stickershock™ Sensor is equipped with both Bluetooth 5.0 Low-Energy and Near-Field Communication technology for fast and flexible communication. Connect to laptops, mobile devices or IoT infrastructure. You can connect point-to-point or participate in a mesh.


The built-in ultra-slim battery even re-charges wirelessly using a standard charge pad.

Peel and Stick

The credit-card sized Stickershock™ Sensor can be easily affixed to nearly anything. Its IP-65 sealed housing stands up to moisture, dust and grime. The semi-flexible enclosure even conforms to non-flat surfaces.


No screws, no drilling, no glue. Just peel, stick and analyze.

Mobile App + Cloud

Peel, stick and start analyzing data in minutes. Stickershock™ Sensor works together with a mobile app and cloud. Connect to the sensor, configure the sensors, collect and upload data to the cloud.
