Wireless Mobile Tracking

Stickershock™ Tracker provides comprehensive visibility into the condition and location of goods in real-time, world-wide. 

Comprehensive Solution

Stickershock™ Tracker uploads real-time information about the condition and location of goods via mobile app, cloud or customer portal. The tracker sends status and updates at a frequency set by the customer. Critical alerts for proactive intervention can be set up using predetermined parameters.

Tracker Sensor Capabilities

Stickershock™ Tracker has a suite of sensors for stand-alone use including atmospheric temperature, moisture and pressure, orientation, tilt and movement, drop, mishandling and vibration, and ambient light levels.

Cellular and GPS Connectivity

Our tracker is a portable tracking network with 4G LTE-M NB-IoT cellular and GPS communications. No cellular subscription nor provisioning is needed, and world-wide coverage is included in our solution. Rest APIs allow for easy integration with a company’s existing software platform.

Differentiated Solution

We offer a differentiated comprehensive solution for friction-less deployment, that works seamlessly with mobile and cloud, with built-in global cellular and GPS connectivity, and with proprietary IoT operating system with ultra-low power and out-of-the box functionality.